PROUT AT WORK-conference 2016:
On October 21, 2016, almost 100 participants met for our conference under the title “Netzwerk 4.0 – ready for future?!. With the generous support of PwC, we were able to organize an enriching day with keynotes and breakout sessions, which also included exceptionally good networking and learning for future networking.
Dr. Astrid Stange, Mitglied des Vorstands, Axa Konzern AG
Harry van Dorenmalen, Chairman IBM Europe, General Manager IBM Benelux
Vaughan Price, Executive Sponsors of GLEE@PwC
Angela Matthes, Baloise Life (Liechtenstein) AG
Thomas Biegi, Director Communications, Pfizer
Philip Dietrich, Senior Consultant bei PwC
Jürgen Driftmeier, Deutsche Post DHL Group
Thomas Hartmann, Expert Consultant, IBM
Elena Pollok, SAP Deutschland
Monika Wienbeck, BAYER AG
Petra Kahl, Sprecherin und Mitbegründerin marketPride, Netzwerk der Deutschen Börse Gruppe
Erik Muscheites, Manager People and Organisation – Global Mobility, PwC AG WPG
Stefanie Schmidt, Bundessprecherin LSVD
Annette Pampel, Gründerin LGBTA-Rainbow-Netzwerk, Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH
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